Sunday, 2 October 2011

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands


Games > PC




5.62 GiB (6037110014 Bytes)




     A little statement about the work involved:                     
        To clear the minds of the individuals who think: "Game x was    
        done fast and this one taking ages" etc.  The way the Ubisoft   
        DRM works, makes it so that every game is like a brand new      
        challenge. What it does do, is offload certain parts of the     
        game to a server, game then requests those things at runtime.   
        These parts can be anything that the developer wants. In the    
        case with Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, those things   
        - Levers logic                                                  
        - Door timing                                                   
        - Upgrades                                                      
        - Abilities                                                     
        - XP & Levels                                                   
        - Area codes                                                    
        Every time you step on a button "in game", it sends a request   
        to server asking what to do. Server then sends the door code    
        to open, including how much time it stays open. Levers work     
        similarly, every time you press the "TAB" button to display     
        skills, game asks again server: "What skills do player have",   
        and so on and on.                                               
        All that stuff takes a lot of time to implement right and we    
        do implement it like the original do. All our doors open and    
        close with exact same time factors as the retail do. We just    
        wanted to clarify a little how the Ubisoft DRM really does      
        work, because a lot of those individuals we mentioned in the    
        beginning of this statement didn't seem to understand, yet      
        what kind of monster this is. It's not some simply "Values"     
        going around like it were with Assassin's Creed II.             

     Install Notes:                                                 
        2. Mount image or burn it                                       
        3. Install                                                      
        4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to your  
           installation directory and overwrite                         
        5. Play the game                                                

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